Many atheist groups in the abortion debate who claim to represent secular humanists claim that abortion is morally acceptable human right. These groups fall under the organizational umbrella of Humanists International and this includes American Humanists Association. What these groups do not tell you is that they were founded by eugenics believers who tried to redefine what humanism means to conform to their pseudoscientific views. The truth is that genuine secular humanism philosophy is not aligned with pro-choice abortion rhetoric, nor other similar language used by body autonomy or other abortion rights activists. This short video essay documentary asks you to look at abortion through a genuine humanism lens concerning liberty and justice. Is it just for a parent to kill their own progeny because the child is inconvenient to the parent’s lifestyle? The answer is obviously no.
Humanists International claims abortion is a human right, but they were founded by a eugenicist Julian Huxley who claimed his pseudoscience is secular humanism. It is not. It is time to abandon the shadow of eugenics and embrace genuine humanism.